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SAP S/4HANA: How To Find BAPI of Business Objects

System: SAP S/4HANA


Scenario: Need to find what are the available BAPI (Business Application Programming Interface) for each business object type.


  • A Business Object Type is the representation of a business entity, like an employee or a sales order, in an SAP System. It encompasses both the functions (in the form of methods) and the data (in the form of attributes) of this entity. In the process, the implementation details of the business object type are hidden from the end user, and the business object type itself is accessed through defined functions (methods/BAPIs). This is referred to as encapsulation.

  • BAPI (Business Application Programming Interface) is a set of interfaces to object-oriented programming methods that enable a programmer to integrate third-party software into SAP.


1. Go to BAPI Explorer by typing in “BAPI” transaction code as shown.

2. In the BAPI Explorer, navigate to the “Alphabetical” tab as shown below to get an alphabetical listing of all released BAPIs.

3. Click on a Business Object Type e.g. Business Partner in the list and review the information in the Details tab specifically the Object Type field.

4. To get all the BAPIs available for the Business Object Type e.g. Business Partner, navigate to the Tools tab as shown below.

5. Click on the Create BAPI List under Tools selection and then click on the Search button as shown below.

6. Review the list of BAPIs for the Business Object Type e.g. Business Partner.

Alternative Steps:

From step 3, go to Business Object Builder by typing in “/nSWO1” transaction code as shown below.

A7. Type in the Business Object Type from step 3 in the Object/Interface Type field. Click the Display button.

A8. Expand Key fields to see the primary key attribute; the Attributes to see the fields; and the Methods to see the different API calls available.


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