SAP S/4HANA: View Product Hierarchy
System: SAP S/4HANA
Scenario: Need to view the Product Hierarchy
From the SAP documentation: The product hierarchy groups materials by combining different characteristics. Each characteristic is represented by a specific product hierarchy level. Each characteristic is represented by a specific product hierarchy level.
The standard Product Hierarchy in SAP is product hierarchy consists of up to 3 levels. The first and second levels have 5 digits and the third level has 8. The maximum number of digits is 18 and the maximum number of levels is 9.
Aside from the using the transaction code “V/76” to view the Product Hierachy, here is another (albeit longer and more steps) approach to view the Product Hierarchy.
1. Go to Implementation Guide (IMG) by typing in “SPRO” transaction code.
2. In the resulting screen (as shown below), click on the SAP Reference IMG button.
3. Navigate to Logistics-General --> Material Master --> Settings for Key Fields --> Data Relevant to Sales and Distribution --> Define Product Hierarchies. Click on the IMG Activity icon (i.e. clock with check mark).
4. Choose the Maintenance: Prod. Hier. radio button as shown below and double click it.
5. Review the product hierarchy as shown below.
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